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Benchmarks and Frameworks

ACT SG Framework and Tools for Programme Evaluation

The ACT SG Framework and Tools provide a programme evaluation framework and tools for the youth-at-risk sector. They were developed by MSF and the National Council of Social Service (NCSS), with support from Sport Singapore and the National Arts Council. Having been validated and contextualised for local use, they seek to:

1. Establish a common language and shared vision for the youth sector, through a common set of skills and outcomes for positive youth development

2. Guide the sector to conduct programme evaluation to generate insights for design and service delivery improvements

3. Provide opportunities for alignment and collaboration to facilitate collective impact in the sector

The ACT SG Framework has identified three domains (Achieving, Connecting and Thriving) and 13 outcomes. There are three ACT SG Tools:

i. ACT SG Tool – measures generic youth programmes

ii. ACT SG (Sports) Tool – measures youth programmes with sports components

iii. ACT SG (Arts) Tool – measures youth programmes with arts components

The ACT SG (Sports) and ACT SG (Arts) Tools were developed in partnership with Sport Singapore and the National Arts Council respectively. The sports and arts components could be developed using the Game For Life (GFL) Youth-At-Risk resource guide.

Download the ACT SG Tools, Templates for Data Analysis, User Guides and Norms (1.8 MB).
(Last updated on Aug 2022)

Download Supplementary Resources here:

Supplementary (1.0 MB)

What is ACT SG (Video)

Data Collection (Video)

Data Entry, Processing and Analysis (Video)