MSF website will undergo scheduled maintenance on Saturday, 22 Mar, 10pm to Sunday, 23 Mar, 6am. During this maintenance period, users may experience intermittent access issues when accessing the website. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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We Are Professionals With Passion For People.


MSF develops the "heartware" for Singapore through our policies, community infrastructure, programmes and services.

Our mission is to nurture resilient individuals, strong families, and a caring society.

Mission & Values

Our mission and values are at the heart of everything we do at MSF.

Our Mission

Our Values

To Nurture

  • Resilient Individuals
  • Strong Families, and
  • A Caring Society

We are Professionals

We serve with integrity. 
We strive to excel in our work.

with Passion

We are committed to what we do.
We are ambassadors of MSF.

for People

We respect the individual.
We seek win-win partnerships.

Our Service Standards & Pledge

Our Service Standards

We are committed to serving you promptly and professionally.

Our Basic Service Standards

We will pick up your call within 30 seconds.

Counter Services
We will serve you within 20 minutes.
When there are many customers, the waiting time may be longer.

We will reply to your feedback within 3 working days.
If we need more time to respond to a complex enquiry, we will give you an interim reply.

Getting Things Right
For feedback on Quality Service, please:

  • Call us at 1800-111-2222 (MSF Consolidated Hotline - to reach the MSF General Enquiries, say "General Enquiries" when prompted by the virtual assistant).
  • Alternatively, you may reach us at 6355 5000 (Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 6pm, Saturday: 8.30am to 1pm).
  • Or email us at

Our Service Pledge
We will do our best to serve you.
We seek your understanding, patience and cooperation.
We value our staff and will protect them from any verbal or physical abuse.


Ikrar Khidmat Kami:
Kami akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk berkhidmat kepada anda.
Kami meminta persefahaman, kesabaran dan kerjasama anda.
Kami menghargai kakitangan kami dan akan melindungi mereka daripada sebarang penganiayaan dari segi tutur kata atau fizikal.

எங்கள் சேவையின் உறுதிமொழி:
உங்களுக்குச் சிறந்த சேவையாற்ற எங்களால் ஆன அனைத்தையும் செய்வோம்.
உங்களுடைய புரிந்துணர்வு, பொறுமை மற்றும் ஒத்துழைப்பை நாடுகிறோம்.எங்கள் அலுவலர்களை நாங்கள் மதிக்கின்றோம் என்பதோடு, வாய்மொழியாக நிந்திக்கப்படுவதிலிருந்தும் உடல்ரீதியாகத் தாக்கப் படுவதிலிருந்தும் அவர்களைப் பாதுகாப்போம்.