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Thank you for visiting the Website of the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF). By accessing and using any part of this Website, you shall be deemed to have accepted to be legally bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not use this Website.



These Terms of Use may be changed from time to time. All changes will be posted on this page, and your use of this website after such changes have been posted will constitute your agreement to the modified Terms of Use and all of the changes.

Proprietary Rights

This Website is the official MSF Website. It is owned and operated by MSF.

The materials located on this Website including the statistical data, reports, charts, graphs, information and documentation (the Contents), are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights. All rights, title and interest in the Contents are owned by, licensed to or controlled by the Government of Singapore.

Restrictions on Use of Contents

Except as otherwise provided, the Contents of this Website shall not be reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or otherwise distributed in any way, without the prior permission of MSF. To use any parts of the Contents of this Website, the user must seek permission in writing, stating the Contents for use; intent of use; manner of use; time frame of use and identity of the user. MSF reserves the right to refuse permission without declaring reason(s); and/or if information submitted by user is deemed insufficient.

Modification of any of the Contents or use of the Contents for any other purpose will be a violation of MSF's' copyright and other intellectual property rights. Graphics and images on this Website are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or appropriated in any manner without written permission of MSF.

Provided permission is expressly granted by MSF, the Contents are available if : -
(a) due acknowledgement is given to "MSF", citing the sources for the relevant data extracted.
(b) the Contents are used for informational and non-commercial or personal use only and will not be copied or posted on any network computer or broadcast in any media, and
(c) no alterations, additions or modifications of the Contents are made in any way.

Any request to reproduce the Contents from this Web Site for publication or commercial use should be addressed to:

Communications Division
Ministry of Social and Family Development
512 Thomson Road, #13-00
MSF Building
Singapore 298136
Republic of Singapore
Fax : 65-6-258 8605


Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability

The Contents of this Website are provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. To the fullest extent permitted by law, MSF does not warrant and hereby disclaims any warranty:-

  1. as to the accuracy, correctness, reliability, timeliness, non-infringement, title, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose of the Contents of this Website;
  2. that the Contents available through this Website or any functions associated therewith will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects will be corrected or that this Website and the server is and will be free of all viruses and/or other harmful elements.

MSF shall also not be liable for any damage or loss of any kind caused as a result (direct or indirect) of the use of the Website, including but not limited to any damage or loss suffered as a result of reliance on the Contents contained in or available from the Website.


Right of Access

MSF reserves all rights to deny or restrict access to this Website to any particular person, or to block access from a particular Internet address to this Website, at any time, without ascribing any reasons whatsoever.


Links from this Website to other websites

This Website contains hyperlinks to websites which are not maintained by MSF. MSF is not responsible for the contents of those websites and shall not be liable for any damages or loss arising from access to those websites. Use of the hyperlinks and access to such websites are entirely at your own risk.

Hyperlinks to other websites are provided as a convenience to the user. In no circumstances shall MSF be considered to be associated or affiliated in whatever manner with any trade or service marks, logos, insignia or other devices used or appearing on websites to which this Website is linked.


Links to this Site from other websites

Except as set forth below, caching and links to, and the framing of this Website or any of the Contents are prohibited.

You must secure permission from MSF prior to hyperlinking to, or framing, this Web Site or any of the Contents, or engaging in similar activities.

MSF reserves the right to impose conditions when permitting any hyperlinking to, or framing of this Website or any of the Contents.

Your linking to, or your framing of this Website or any of the Contents constitute acceptance of these Terms of Use. This is deemed to be the case even after the posting of any changes or modifications to these Terms of Use. If you do not accept these Terms of Use, you must discontinue linking to, or framing of this Website or any of the Contents.

Under no circumstances shall MSF be considered to be associated or affiliated in whatever manner with any trade or service marks, logos, insignia or other devices used or appearing on websites that link to this Website or any of the Contents.

MSF reserves all rights to disable any links to, or frames of any website containing inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful topics, names, material or information, or material or information that violates any written law, any applicable intellectual property, proprietary, privacy or publicity rights.

MSF reserves the right to disable any unauthorised links or frames and disclaims any responsibility for the content available on any other website reached by links to or from this Website or any of the Contents.


Personal Data

If you provide MSF with personally identifiable data, we may share necessary data with other Government agencies, so as to serve you in the most efficient and effective way. 

MSF will NOT share your personal data with non-Government entities, except where such entities have been authorised to carry our specific Government services. 

For your convenience, MSF may also display to you data you had previously supplied us or other Government agencies. This will speed up the transaction and save you the trouble of repeating previous submission. Should the data be out-of-date, please supply us the latest data.


Governing Law

These Terms of Use shall be governed and construed in accordance with laws of the Republic of Singapore.

Acceptance of Terms of Use

  1. By accessing and using the datasets provided in this Website or other Websites owned by the Singapore Government and its Statutory Boards that are linked from this Website, you shall be deemed to have accepted to be legally bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, do not use the datasets. 

  2. This Website may also provide links to datasets which are available only on payment or under other terms of use. You will be informed of such other terms of use before you access or download such datasets. Your use of such datasets will be subject to those other terms of use. 

  3. These Terms of Use may change from time to time without notice. Please check the Terms of Use whenever you access or download the datasets for use. 


Conditions of Use

  1. Subject to these Terms of Use, the Singapore Government and its Statutory Boards grant you a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive use of the datasets for the following purposes: 

    1. copying, distribution or transmission of the datasets; 

    2. modification or adaptation of the datasets to suit your needs; 

    3. use of the datasets for applications that you develop; or 

    4. sharing or commercialisation of the applications that you develop using the datasets

  2. You must:
    1. clearly state in your applications or websites containing the datasets the source of the datasets and the date the datasets were downloaded from this Website; 

    2. clearly indicate that any analysis or transformation of data are made by you and shall not be attributed to the Singapore Government or its Statutory Boards; 

    3. clearly state in your applications or websites containing the datasets: "The datasets provided by the Singapore Government and its Statutory Boards via are governed by the Terms of Use available at To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Singapore Government and its Statutory Boards are not liable for any damage or loss of any kind caused directly or indirectly by the use of the datasets or any derived analyses or applications.”; and 

    4. include the same requirements stated in paragraphs i, ii and iii in any sub-licences that you grant, require your sub-licensees to do the same; 

    5. register with at if you intend to use the datasets to develop applications or for other commercial purposes; and 

    6. cease to use the datasets and remove them from your applications or websites upon the request of the Singapore Government or its Statutory Boards in the event that the datasets are no longer provided on or of a breach of any of these Terms of Use. 

  3. You must not use the data for purposes deemed inappropriate and/or misleading to the general public. Such instances include, but are not limited to: 

    1. presenting the datasets in a misleading or incorrect manner, or misrepresenting the data; or 

    2. using the data to promote or support any illegal activities. 

6A. The breach of any of these Terms of Use shall result in the cancellation of the licence to use the datasets granted to you under clause 4. These Terms of Use (except for clause 4) shall survive the cancellation of the licence under clause 4. 



  1. The datasets are provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. The Singapore Government and its Statutory Boards do not make any representations or warranties whatsoever and, to the fullest extent permitted by the law, hereby disclaim warranties, whether express, implied or statutory, to you or any third party in relation to the use of the datasets, including but not limited to any warranty as to the accuracy, correctness, reliability, timeliness, non-infringement, title, quality or fitness for any particular purpose of the datasets.

  2. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Singapore Government and its Statutory Boards shall not be liable to you or any third party for damage or loss of any kind, including but not limited to direct, indirect, punitive, special or consequential damages, loss of goodwill, loss of business resources, income, revenue or profits, lost or damaged data, or damage to your computer or other property, arising directly or indirectly from your or any third party’s use of, or inability to use, the datasets or the relevant Websites. 

  3. The Singapore Government and its Statutory Boards reserve the right at any time, without notice or liability, to remove the datasets from the relevant Websites. 



  1. You agree to fully indemnify the Singapore Government and its Statutory Boards and to hold the Singapore Government and its Statutory Boards harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses (including but not limited to legal costs) against the Singapore Government and its Statutory Boards arising directly or indirectly from: 

    1. your use of the datasets; 

    2. your breach of any of these Terms of Use; 

    3. your violation of any rights of another; or 

    4. any claim made by a third party in connection with the third party’s use of the datasets or any derived analyses or applications which you have provided.


Intellectual Property

10A. You acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights subsisting in or used in connection with this Website or the datasets are the property of the Singapore Government or its Statutory Boards, as the case may be. 

10B. You have no authority to enforce any intellectual property rights belonging to the Singapore Government or its Statutory Boards in respect of the data sets except with the prior written approval of the Singapore Government or its Statutory Boards. 

  1. In accordance with Regulation 5 of the Copyright (Network Service Provider) Regulations (Cap. 63, Rg. 7), the designated representative is: 

    Strategic Planning, Research and Development Division
    512 Thomson Road, MSF Building, #07-00 Singapore 298136 

Governing Law

  1. These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore. You irrevocably agree for the exclusive benefit of the Singapore Government and its Statutory Boards that the Singapore courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any dispute arising from or relating to these Terms of Use, and for such purposes irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the Singapore courts. The Singapore Government and its Statutory Boards reserve their rights to commence or maintain proceedings for such a dispute in the court of any other country claiming or having jurisdiction in respect thereof and you irrevocably waive any objection you may have to such proceedings being brought in any such court. 


Meaning of Terms

  1. In these Terms of Use: 
    “relevant Websites” means this Website or other Websites owned by the Singapore Government and its Statutory Boards that are linked from this Website; “use of the datasets” includes accessing, downloading, copying, distribution, transmission, modification and adaptation of the datasets, or any derived analyses or applications, for commercial purposes or otherwise.