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Apply to be a Foster Parent


The application and assessment process takes about three months. The step-by-step guide here provides an overview of the fostering application and assessment process.

Can I Foster?

Check if you can apply to be a foster parent.

Click here to read more Check Eligibility
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“My foster children have taught me many things. Even though they come from difficult backgrounds, they love us unconditionally. In opening our hearts and our home, we have received so much more in return.”

Click here to read more Read More

Contact Us

MSF Consolidated Hotline


To reach the Fostering division, say “Foster” when prompted by the virtual assistant.

Airtime charges apply for mobile calls to 1800 service lines.


9645 8231


History of Fostering

Conceived in 1956, the MSF Fostering Scheme provides a safe, stable and nurturing home environment to children and young persons who have been abused, neglected or abandoned.

Seasons of Love

Foster parents are volunteers who provide safety, stability and nurturance to children and young persons who need it the most: Those who have been abused, neglected or even abandoned.

Big Little Moments

Would you be willing to open your hearts and homes to our vulnerable children and young persons?