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What Is A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

The LPA is a legal document and a deed*, which allows a person who is at least 21 years of age ('Donor'), to voluntarily appoint one or more persons ('Donee(s)') to make decisions and act on his/her behalf if he/she loses mental capacity one day. A Donee can be appointed to act in the two broad areas of personal welfare and/or property & affairs matters.​ The LPA also gives the authority to the Donee to sign deeds on the Donor's behalf.

Infographic on how to make an LPA

*Examples of deeds include:

  1. An instrument used to appoint another individual to act on your behalf
  2. An instrument used to transfer an interest in immovable property (in the case of an LPA, Donee(s) may be able to do so on behalf of the Donor if they are granted property & affairs powers as defined in the LPA)

Benefits of an LPA

  • Enables a person to make a personal, considered choice of a trusted proxy decision maker, who is reliable and competent to act in his/her best interests should he/she lose mental capacity one day.
  • Alleviates the stress and difficulties faced by loved ones who need to apply for a Deputyship order, if the person loses mental capacity without an LPA in place.

You are also encouraged to make an Advance Care Plan (ACP), and appoint your Donee as your Nominated Healthcare Spokesperson. Visit the ACP website for more information.

Convenience and Cost of Making an LPA

OPG has extended the LPA Form 1 application fee waiver for Singapore Citizens to 31 March 2026, to encourage more Singaporeans to plan ahead and apply for an LPA.

Click here for the LPA Fees Table. Please note that no refund will be given once the LPA application is submitted to OPG regardless of the application outcome, including rejection. 

Applicants are required to pay a professional fee to engage an LPA Certificate Issuer to witness and certify their LPA. View the list of most visited LPA Certificate Issuers here.

What is the difference between an LPA Form 1 and LPA Form 2?

  • LPA Form 1: For Donors who wish to grant Donee(s) general powers with basic restrictions.
  • LPA Form 2: For Donors who wish to grant Donee(s) customised powers. The clauses in the LPA Form 2 have to be drafted by a lawyer*.

98% of Singapore Citizens who have made an LPA used the LPA Form 1.
*This refers to a Singapore solicitor qualified to practise Singapore law in a Singapore law practice.​​​​

Access OPGO here to make your LPA.

You may submit a hardcopy LPA only under the exception situations​ listed in Section 11(2a) of the MCA. The acceptance of hardcopy LPAs is subject to the Public Guardian’s approval. Please use the  2022 version of the hardcopy LPA form in your submission; older versions of the form may be rejected by OPG.

Should you require further assistance on making an LPA online via OPGO, please approach your Donee(s) or family members for help. Alternatively, you may direct your enquiry to the OPG hotline at 1800-111-2222, or visit any ServiceSG centre.

For enquiries on all other transactions using OPGO, please contact OPG hotline.