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Singapore Central Authority (SCA)

Application for the return of the abducted child

Removal/abduction of child from Singapore

If your child has been removed from Singapore or retained in another country/territory which has breached your custody rights, and you require assistance for the return of your child back to Singapore, you may:

  1. Contact the Singapore Central Authority who will assist you in the application to the overseas authority/jurisdiction;
  2. Send an application for assistance directly to the Central Authority of the country/ territory where the child is; or
  3. Directly commence foreign judicial or administrative proceedings (it is advisable to instruct lawyers to represent you in such proceedings).

Removal/abduction of child to Singapore

If your child has been removed from another country/territory to or retained in Singapore which has breached your custody rights and you wish to apply for the return of your child, you may:

  1. Email or mail an application for assistance (.doc, 40 kb) to the Singapore Central Authority to seek the voluntary return of your child; or
  2. Commence judicial proceedings in the Singapore Family Court (it is advisable to instruct Singapore lawyers to represent you in such proceedings). You or your lawyer may file your application at:

    LawNet & CrimsonLogic Service Bureau
    1 Havelock Square, Level 2
    State Courts
    Singapore 059724
    Tel: (+65) 6538 9507


    LawNet & CrimsonLogic Service Bureau

    1 Supreme Court Lane, Level 1
    Supreme Court
    Singapore 178879
    Tel: (+65) 6337 9164

All applications to the Family Court must be by way of an Originating Summons accompanied by an affidavit.

Get more information on the Family Court's Electronic Filing System Service Bureau, application and appeal process.

Application for legal aid

If you are residing overseas, you may approach the Singapore Central Authority to assist you in the application for legal aid.

You are required to complete Form 1 – Application for Legal Aid for Matters Relating to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (PDF, 203 kb) and to send the completed form to together with all the relevant supporting documents. Please note that your aid application will not be processed unless the form is properly completed and all the relevant supporting documentation is attached.

If you are residing in Singapore and are a citizen of a contracting stateon the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, you may seek legal advice in person at:

Legal Aid Bureau (LAB)
45 Maxwell Road #07-11
The URA Centre (East Wing)
Singapore 069118
Tel: 1800-2255 529

If you are below 21 years of age, your guardian, who must be a citizen or resident of a country/ territory that has acceded to the HCCAICA, will have to apply on your behalf.

For legal aid to be granted to you, you must pass both the full Means Test (which assesses your financial eligibility for legal aid) and the Merits Test (which assesses whether you have a reasonable case to bring or defend in the courts of Singapore). Get more information on the Means and Merits Test.

If legal aid is granted to you, a lawyer will be assigned to represent you in the Courts proceedings relating to applications for the return of the child under the HCCAICA. You will be required to pay contribution fees to the Bureau for the work done, and to bear all expenses to third parties (e.g., for medical reports) which may be incurred in the litigation. Get more information on the legal aid scheme.



All application forms should be completed in English. Any communication or document that is not in English should be accompanied by an English translation.