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When parents file for a Maintenance Order against their children, a mediation session will be fixed for all parties to go for mediation in the Tribunal.

Mediation aims to help parents and children arrive at a settlement. A mediator is assigned within 4 weeks of the Notice of Application to mediate between parents and children.

If mediation results in a settlement, both parents and children can endorse a maintenance agreement prepared by the mediator. From this, a consent order can be made by the Tribunal.

If mediation results in a settlement, both parents and children can endorse a maintenance agreement prepared by the mediator. From this, a consent order can be made by the Tribunal.

Who are the mediators?

They are professional mediators from the Singapore Mediation Centre.

Is the mediator neutral?

Yes, the mediator is a neutral third party who will guide both parents and children to negotiate and resolve issues.

The mediator does not decide, recommend, assess or give advice. He acts purely on the wishes of both parties for a fair settlement.

How does mediation work?

During the process of mediation, the mediator will meet with the parties jointly and individually to work towards resolution of the maintenance issue. It may be necessary for the mediator to include information obtained from other sources/persons after consultation with both parties.

What do I have to tell the mediator?

You must be honest and provide complete information and documents that the mediator requires. If full and honest disclosure is not made during the course of mediation, any agreement entered into during mediation may not be valid.

Is mediation confidential?

Yes. Details of mediation sessions and all communications between both parties and the mediator are strictly confidential.