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Tuning in to the Leaders Session 9: Mr Mohd Ali Bin Mahmood

  Mr Mohd Ali Bin Mahmood, 17 Apr 2015

About the Speaker

Mr Mohd Ali Bin Mahmood has more than 23 years of social work experience and holds a B.A from NUS majoring in social work. He is currently the Senior Director with PPIS where he oversees the Social Service Division as well as the Training & Consultancy Unit. Previously, he spent 9 years as a Medical Social Worker in Singapore General Hospital, where he was instrumental in setting up the Medical Social Service Department in National Heart Centre and headed it for a year. In the 15 years with PPIS, he has spearheaded the development of many innovative social intervention programmes, including the setting up of INSPIRASI PPIS – a marriage preparation and enrichment hub for young couples. He is also the author of "Counselling Journal: Unravelling the Dilemma of a Pregnant Teen", published in 2010. For his contributions to the sector, he received the Outstanding Social Worker Award in 2009. He is also currently a member of the Fostering Review Committee in MSF.

Responsibilities of a Social Work Leader

Mr Mohd Ali shares with us his experience in advocating for his staff and their welfare as a Social Work leader. He elaborates on the importance of having foresight in advocating for organizational growth and staff development. He also shares things to take note of in trying to garner support from various stakeholders.

The Transitions in my Social Work Journey

Mr Mohd Ali shares his key learning points as a student moving into the field. He also elaborates on his journey and what helped him to ease in when he moved from being a Social Worker in a medical setting to being one in a community setting.

Mr Mohd Ali Bin Mahmood<
Mr Mohd Ali Bin Mahmood

Senior Director Social Service Division,
Training & Consultancy Unit