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MSF’s Care Pillar Engagements

Refreshing our social compact

The conversations with Singaporeans from different backgrounds and experiences dived into our common aspiration to better support lower-income families, and together, build a fairer and inclusive society.

Singaporeans recognised the effort lower-income families were making in various areas to achieve Stability, Self-reliance and Social mobility  (3'S'), and the challenges they faced.

Examples of such areas include:


  • Preschool enrolment and regular attendance to give children a good start.
  • Strong parental involvement in children’s educational journey, paired with community support.
  • Programmes that provide guidance and role modelling, e.g. mentorship, tutoring, after-school programmes, courses on life skills and planning for the future.

  • Stable income from employment leading to savings.
  • Access to career guidance, social capital and networks.
  • Flexible working arrangements that allow families to balance work with familial commitments.

  • Financial literacy to better manage expenditure, debt clearance and savings.
  • With financial stability, families will be more able to pursue personal development and longer-term goals.

  • Savings to eventually move out of public rental flats and own a home.

ComLink provides Comprehensive, Convenient and Coordinated support to families with children living in public rental housing, to uplift their circumstances and empower them to achieve stability, self-reliance and social mobility.

Mdm Zarina at MSF's FowardSG Care pillar engagement

"I received assistance when I needed it, and now, I give back as a volunteer."

Ms Zarina Bte Omar, Family Service Centre and Social Service Office beneficiary


Youths’ views on strengthening social mobility


270 students from Post-Secondary Education Institutions (PSEI) were engaged through focus group discussions. 16 of these students volunteered to build on ideas their peers had raised and presented their recommendations to MSF on:

  • Strengthening support for disadvantaged families to work towards empowerment and self-reliance, such as by enhancing financial literacy;
  • Increasing awareness of, and access to, social support;
  • Broadening definitions of, and adding more pathways to success; increasing the dignity and respect accorded to lower-wage occupations and ensuring access to a wide variety of careers.

Read their report here: