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Alliance for Action to Strengthen Marriages and Family Relationships

Focal Area 3: Parenting Together

Focal Area 3 'Parenting Together' focuses on supporting parents through:

  1. Identifying key trends and challenges faced in parent-child and grandparent-grandchild relationships
  2. Shaping parenting values to prioritise the social and emotional well-being of children through sharing sessions by experts
  3. Raising parental awareness of the availability of evidence-based parenting programmes and community resources
Focal Area 3 Champ
Dr Mathew Mathews is married with three sons and currently serves on the Families for Life Council, National Council of Social Service (NCSS) Voluntary Capability Fund Panel. He sits on the boards of One and National Volunteer and Philanthropic Centre (NVPC) actively participates in over a dozen family-related research projects. Dr Mathews hopes to identify existing gaps and areas for enhancement in support for parents with children across all ages and to re-orientate public views about parenting that prioritise the social and emotional well-being of children.
Focal Area 3 members

For more tips and resources on parenting, visit:

Families For Life

FFL Parenting

Made for Families