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Large Families Scheme

Topic(s): Children & Families

Large Families Scheme

The Large Families Scheme is a Government Scheme to strengthen support for Singaporeans who have three or more children. It builds on the Government commitment to provide greater support for couples who aspire to have more children, and to create a family friendly Singapore.  ​

Families with a third or subsequent eligible Singapore Citizen child born on or after 18 February 2025 will receive ​

(i) a $5,000 Large Family MediSave Grant, ​

(ii) an increased Child Development Account First Step Grant from $5,000 to $10,000, and​

(iii)  enjoy privileges at partnered merchants. Families may also receive $1,000 in Large Family LifeSG Credits annually (up to when the child is six years old) if they meet the eligibility criteria.​

For more information, please visit the Large Families Scheme website.​




Question 1How is the Large Families Scheme different from the Baby Bonus Scheme?

AnswerThe Large Families Scheme builds on existing marriage and parenthood support such as the Baby Bonus Scheme. The Large Families Scheme provides parents with an additional $16,000 in support ($5,000 via the Large Family MediSave Grant, a $5,000 increase in Child Development Account First Step Grant, and $1,000 annually in Large Family LifeSG Credits to families for each eligible third or subsequent Singapore Citizen child, in the years that the child turns 1 to 6).

You may refer to the Large Families Scheme website at You may also visit our FAQs at


Question 2: How do I register my child for the Large Families Scheme?

Answer: No registration is required. Once your child is enrolled into the Baby Bonus Scheme, MSF will assess his/her eligibility for the Large Families Scheme. Eligible recipients will be notified by MSF. 

For a full list of eligibility criteria, you may refer to the Large Families Scheme website at