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Government-Paid Leave Schemes

Topic(s): Children & Families

The Marriage & Parenthood Package is designed to help you fulfil your family aspirations. The package comprises a comprehensive range of measures to address our evolving needs as we move through life - from marriage, to becoming parents, and raising children.

The Government-Paid Leave Schemes under this package aims to foster an overall pro-family environment in Singapore. These leave schemes provides more support to Singaporeans in terms of having and raising children.

Government-Paid Maternity Leave (GPML)

Working mothers are entitled to maternity leave under the GPML scheme so as to have sufficient time to recover from childbirth and care for newborns.

Government-Paid Paternity Leave (GPPL)

Working fathers are entitled to paternity leave under the GPPL scheme so as to encourage and support shared parental responsibility.

Adoption Leave for Mothers (AL)

Adoptive mothers are entitled to adoption leave under the AL scheme so as to have sufficient time to care for and bond with the child.


Shared Parental Leave (SPL) 

Working parents are entitled to SPL to support parents in sharing parental responsibility and caring for their infants.


2013-Shared Parental Leave (2013-SPL)

In addition to the GPPL scheme, working mothers have the option to share part of their GPML or AL to their husbands under the SPL scheme.

From 1 Apr 2025, this scheme will be replaced a new Shared Parental Leave (SPL) scheme.

Government-Paid Childcare Leave (GPCL) and Extended Childcare Leave (ECL)

The GPCL and ECL schemes aim to enable working parents to spend quality time with their children and care for them.

Government-Paid Maternity Benefit (GPMB)

The GPMB scheme supports working mothers (including self-employed fathers who do not qualify for the GPML scheme due to their employment arrangements (e.g on short term employment periods, or employment contracts had expired before the birth of their child).

Government-Paid Paternity Benefit (GPPB)

The GPPB scheme supports eligible working fathers (including self-employed fathers) who do not qualify for the GPPL scheme due to their employment arrangements (e.g on short-term employment contracts, or employment contracts had expired before the birth or adoption of their child).

Government-Paid Adoption Benefit (GPAB)

The GPAB scheme supports eligible working adoptive mothers (including self-employed mothers) who do not qualify for the AL scheme due to their employment arrangements (e.g on short-term employment contracts, or employment contracts had expired before the adoption of their child).


Shared Parental Leave Benefit (SPB) 

The SPB scheme supports eligible working parents who do not qualify for the SPL scheme due to their employment arrangements (e.g. on short-term employment contracts, or employment contracts had expired before the birth or adoption of their child).


Unpaid Infant Care Leave (UICL)

As the initial years of caring for a child can be more demanding, working parents are entitled to UICL so as to have additional time to care for and bond with the child.


To find out more on Government-Paid Leave Schemes' claims and applications processes, please visit the Government-Paid Leave Portal.