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Family Friendly Business

Topic(s): Children & Families

The Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) encourages businesses to adopt strategies, infrastructure and services that cater to families. While families could benefit from family-friendly services and products, businesses could reap the rich potential of the family market. The initiative also aims to raise an awareness of and demand for businesses that cater to families.

WSQ Family-Friendly Service Training Courses

MSF has worked with NTUC LearningHub to develop two Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) training courses to equip service professionals with a better understanding of the needs of family customers and to enable them to enhance their family customers’ service experience.

Demonstrate the Service Vision Frontline service staff, such as receptionists, retail associates and cleaning staff, will learn how to deliver quality service to families with different needs, e.g. families with young children, seniors and persons with disabilities.

Lead with Service Vision Corporate leaders and service staff with leadership roles, such as business owners and service team leaders, will learn how to develop plans and strategies to make their businesses more family-friendly.

Please visit for more information and to sign up for the courses.

Universal Design Mark for Family-Friendly Business

The BCA-MSF Universal Design Mark for Family-Friendly Business (UDFF Mark) is a collaboration between the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) and the Building and Construction Authority (BCA).

The UDFF Mark gives recognition to businesses that incorporate both user-friendly design in their facilities (hardware) and family-friendly processes and service to meet the needs of family customers (software).

The Mark recognises businesses’ efforts to make their premises accessible, convenient and safe for families, and adopt service standards and processes that improve the service experience of families, including the young, the old and persons with disabilities.

The judging criteria includes strategy, accessibility, user-friendliness, service, operations and maintenance, and user experience. Depending on the score, businesses may be recommended for a Certified, Gold, GoldPLUS or Platinum award.

The BCA-MSF UDFF Mark will replace the MSF Businesses for Families (BFF) Mark.

Applications are open through the year. Please see for details. You may also contact for further queries.