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Strengthening Families Together (SFT) Pilot Practitioner's Resource Guides

Topic(s): Social Service Agencies & Partners, Social Service Professionals

The Strengthening Families Together (SFT) Pilot Practitioner’s Resource Guides were initiated by MSF with the aim of documenting social work practice with vulnerable families in the SFT Pilot as well as to contribute to deepening practice and raising practice standards in the SFT Pilot. These two indigenous resources created by and for social work practitioners are intended to be user-friendly guides with frameworks and templates that can be used by the practitioner and in supervision sessions. The guides were created from practice wisdom of the senior practice leaders, SFT training and evidence-based literature.

  • Volume 1 - Working with Vulnerable Families, covers how social work practitioners’ stance, and clear theoretical and assessment framework could influence our work with vulnerable families. The guide also discusses the use of the Family Advocacy and Support Tool (FAST) in practice and outlines the development of a case plan. Six creative tools and their use in specific stages of case management are also shared. Volume 1 also discusses ways of involving children in intervention, and the importance of supervision and self-care to enhance and support practitioners working with vulnerable families.

  • Volume 2 – Working Effectively with Systems to Support Vulnerable Families, aims to provide practical guidelines and tips for social work practitioners to work effectively with systems in supporting vulnerable families. It covers both the soft skills of how social work practitioners should approach and engage systems, and the preparation needed in terms of understanding how the systems work, how to influence and negotiate for help components, and ways to enhance systems coordination. It also includes the technicality of how an inter-agency case conference should be conducted, and what to capture in a social report in order to advocate effectively with systems.