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Parents' Guide for Young Children Who Need Early Intervention

Topic(s): Disability Services

Supporting Your Child: A Parents’ Guide for Young Children Who Need Early Intervention (EI) has been developed as a response to one of the Inclusive Preschool Workgroup (IPWG) Report’s recommendations, to support parents and caregivers of children who may have developmental needs in their parenting journey. It was developed by a multi-agency professional workgroup comprising representatives from government agencies, hospitals, preschool operators, EI providers and caregiver support agencies.

The guide aims to provide parents and caregivers with insights and answers to questions regarding:

  • Child development

  • Early Intervention support

  • Support for the child’s transition from Early Intervention to school-aged provisions

  • Support for the family

Click on the links below to view the guide:

*For the best desktop viewing experience, select "Two Page View" and "Show Cover Page in Two Page View" under Page Display options. No settings are required when viewing on mobile devices.