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Topic(s): Financial Assistance & Social Support

ComLink+ aims to uplift lower-income families with children residing in public rental housing towards stability, self-reliance and social mobility (3S).

ComLink+ embodies how MSF is going beyond social assistance to empowerment – we will support and partner families over the longer term as they work on their aspirations and goals.

Under ComLink+:

  1. Family coaches and volunteer befrienders journey with ComLink+ families on their customised action plans to support their needs and aspirations.
  2. Government and the community work together to provide Comprehensive, Convenient, and Coordinated (3C) support.
  3. Government and the community give additional longer-term support to ComLink+ families who do their part to secure a better future.

From Mar 2024, and over the next 3 years, we will extend support to another 3,000 lower-income families with children that are not in public rental housing but are eligible for KidSTART programme and families with school-going children at risk of long-term absenteeism. These families face similar challenges as current ComLink+ families living in public rental housing and would also benefit from family coach support and the ComLink+ Progress Packages.

MSF hopes to  mobilise more people to join us in uplifting our ComLink+ families.

Individuals and organisations could step up to be:

  • Volunteer befrienders alongside our family coaches – volunteer befrienders play a key support role in journeying with ComLink+ families. Find out more about volunteering here.

  • Donors – we invite donors to support the ComLink+ Progress Packages and other ComLink+ programmes that uplift the lives of the ComLink+ families, through financial or in-kind contributions and expertise; or to provide opportunities (e.g. mentorships, internships, jobs) to help families and their children to strengthen their social capital and build a brighter future. To find out more, please contact MSF at

ComLink+ volunteers with beneficiariesA Social Service Agency running a reading programme for ComLink+ children

ComLink+ volunteers play an important roleStudent volunteers from Nanyang Polytechnic running
a free tuition programme for ComLink+ children

ComLink+ volunteers with beneficiariesA family coach reading to a ComLink+ family


Under Comlink+, the following enhancements are introduced:

Family coaches work with ComLink+ families to co-develop action plans, and coach and motivate them towards achieving their goals. Family coaches will also take the lead in coordinating support for families with children eligible for the KidSTART programme and families with school-going children at risk of long-term absenteeism.

ComLink+ families that work with family coaches or Family Service Centres’ (FSC) case workers to take active steps towards their goals can also receive financial top-ups through the ComLink+ Progress Packages. These Packages will recognise and supplement ComLink+ families’ efforts in working towards:

  1. Giving their children a good start in education
  2. Stable employment
  3. Financial stability
  4. Home ownership

MSF will offer four Packages for a start. Families must fulfil the required action and meet the eligibility conditions for each Package in order to receive top-ups. Family coaches and FSC case workers will offer families the Packages based on what is appropriate for their action plans and goals (i.e. these Packages are not open for application unlike help schemes such as ComCare).

MSF will launch the ComLink+ Package for Preschool in the second half of 2024, and roll out the ComLink+ Packages for Employment, Debt Clearance and Home Ownership subsequently. The Packages will be trialled for three years, and MSF will work with local academics to evaluate their effectiveness.

Gift-A-Family – An example of ComLink+ Programme

Everyone deserves the opportunity to fulfil their dreams, discover their passions, and provide a brighter future for their children. However, for some, financial challenges can make these dreams seem out of reach.

What is the Gift-A-Family (GAF) initiative?

The Gift-A-Family (GAF) initiative connects individual and corporate donors with ComLink+ families and gives the families the opportunity and resources to overcome challenges, meet their aspirations and, ultimately, achieve social mobility. GAF takes a holistic approach and bridges the gap by helping to support individual aspirations.

Why your support matters

Your donations will allow lower-income families to pursue opportunities that may, otherwise, be unavailable to them. Below is a story of Adam and how GAF enabled him to explore his passion for drumming.

How GAF supported Mdm Nurul’ain’s desire for better employment opportunities 

Mdm Nurul'ain, a 39-year-old mother of three young children, was retrenched from her Human Resource Executive position during the COVID-19 pandemic. Determined to improve her family's financial situation, she considered upskilling with a WSQ Diploma in Human Resources. However, as a single-income household relying solely on her husband's income, she faced a significant financial hurdle in pursuing this educational goal.

Thankfully, with the help of her SSO family coach, she was able to tap on the “Gift A Family” (GAF) initiative, which sponsored her course fees (after utilising all her SkillsFuture credits). With the timely GAF support, Mdm Nurul'ain has embarked on her educational journey. This timely assistance not only enabled her to pursue her diploma but also improve her chances of getting a better job to improve her family's financial situation.

How you can help?
We invite individuals, corporate partners, and community groups to partner with us and donate to the GAF. Your donations will go into supporting individual families, e.g. through enrichment classes for children, driver’s license to achieve better employment outcomes. If you would like to contribute to GAF as an individual/corporate donor, please contact

Your donation isn't just a one-time gift; it is an investment in hope, dignity, and a better tomorrow for ComLink+ families. Together, we can transform lives and build a more inclusive and caring community!