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Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Children and Youth

Topic(s): Rehabilitation

In every society, there is a small segment of children and young persons who are at risk or have been in trouble with the law. MSF engages families, the community and partners (including the State Courts, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and social service agencies) in the rehabilitation and reintegration of these children and youth.

MSF believes that individuals and families are capable of overcoming their difficulties and becoming self-reliant and should be empowered to do so. MSF and its partners have developed a range of holistic policies and programmes that address the rehabilitative needs of at-risk children and youth, and those who have offended.

For children and young persons under the Family Guidance Order, MSF has in place programmes to help and rehabilitate them so that they do not slip into delinquency and the youth justice system. Parents and families are also empowered to better handle and relate to their children.

For children and young persons who have committed offences, MSF believes in community-based rehabilitation where possible, with institutionalisation as the last resort:

  • Probation Order
    Probation is a community-based rehabilitation option ordered by the Court for persons who have committed offence(s). Probationers are supervised by a Probation Officer and/ or Volunteer Probation Officer for a period between 6 months to 3 years. The Probation Order may include conditions for compliance to ensure the probationer's good conduct and deter him from committing a further offence.

  • Other Court-Ordered Options or Conditions
    Community Service and Probation with Detention Orders are other options available to the Court.

  • Triage and Diversionary Programmes
    The Triage system aims to divert suitable youth offenders who committed minor offences away from the court system and ensure relevant support to prevent re-offending. Diversionary programmes are community rehabilitation programmes targeted at suitable youth offenders to help them stay clear of offending behaviours.

    The diversionary programmes are the Guidance Programme, Enhanced Streetwise Programme and Youth Enhanced Supervision Scheme. Both the Triage and Diversionary Programmes are delivered by MSF-appointed social service agencies, known as Integrated Service Providers.

The best interest of youth offenders remain a paramount consideration. Where community rehabilitation is not in the interest of the youth offender, the Court may order that the youth be rehabilitated in an institutional setting, known as a Juvenile Rehabilitation Centre. MSF will support the rehabilitation of the youth so that they can be reintegrated to the community and contribute as socially responsible individuals.


Outreach & Support for Youth

Programmes that reach out to support our youth to stay meaningfully engaged, become resilient individuals and realise their potential:

  • Youth GO! Programme
    A community-based outreach, engagement and intervention programme that reaches out to youths, aged 12 to 21 who hang out on the streets, and are not meaningfully engaged in school or at work.

  • Enhanced STEP-UP (ESU)
    ESU is an intervention programme targeted at students with chronic absenteeism.
  • Streetwise Programme (SWP)
    The Streetwise Programme is an intervention programme for youth who are associating with gangs.


See Also

Institutional Rehabilitation of Children & Young Persons
Guiding principles, strategies, programmes and aftercare services for institutional rehabilitation of children and young persons who have committed offences.