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Caregiving Services

Topic(s): Disability Services

Special Needs Trust Company (SNTC) is a non-profit trust company set up to provide trust services for persons with disabilities. Case managers from SNTC will work with the family to develop a care plan that provides for the well-being of the person with disability in areas such as accommodation and daily living. SNTC will assist parents or caregivers to set up a Trust account to manage and disburse monies to meet the needs of their children with disability. Parents can also tap on the Special Needs Savings Scheme which allows them to set aside Central Provident Fund (CPF) savings for the long term care of their children with special needs upon their demise.

I. Care Plan

SNTC assists caregivers with the holistic needs assessment of their loved one with disability. A Care Plan drawing up possible alternative care arrangements and the financial requirements are worked out for the person with disability in the event the primary caregiver is no longer able to provide the care and support. SNTC reviews the Care Plan with the caregiver and updates it to capture the changing needs of the person with disability for whom the plan has been drawn up.

II. Trust Services

A Trust is a legal relationship in which an individual or institution (known as the Trustee) holds assets, subject to a legal obligation to keep or use the assets for the benefit of another (known as the Beneficiary).

A minimum sum of $5,000 is required to set up the SNTC Trust for persons with disability. Caregivers can top-up the trust fund anytime. They can gift the proceeds from their property by will and nominate their insurance policy as well as CPF savings to the SNTC Trust.

The Public Trustee holds and invests the Trust funds with principal guaranteed by the Government. The SNTC Trust is activated upon the caregiver's demise or incapacity as the main caregiver.

III. Special Needs Savings Scheme (SNSS)

The Special Needs Savings Scheme (SNSS) encourages parents of children with special needs to save up for their long-term care needs. Under this scheme, parents can nominate their children to receive monthly disbursements from the parent’s CPF savings after the parent’s demise.

For More Info


ADAP aims to make it simpler and more affordable for caregivers of persons with disabilities with no mental capacity to manage their own matters in adulthood to apply to Court to be appointed as deputies for their child/dependant. This allows caregivers to continue making legal decisions for their child/ward after he or she turns 21 years old.

SG Enable supports parents by providing guidance to the parents in their deputyship application and the mental capacity assessment reports prepared by the psychologists at the Special Education Schools (SPED Schools), some Day Activity Centres (DACs) and Sheltered Workshops (SWs) are accepted by the Courts in place of a medical report.

Under ADAP:

  1. Caregivers are given guidance in their deputyship application; and

  2. Mental capacity assessment reports prepared by the psychologists at the Special Education Schools (SPED Schools), some Day Activity Centres (DACs) and Sheltered Workshops (SWs), or the MSF-appointed ADAP Agency are accepted by the Courts in place of a medical report.

Who is eligible for ADAP?

To be eligible for ADAP, one has to fulfil the criteria below:

  1. Child is between 18 to 21 years old and in the graduating cohort in a SPED school, or enrolled in an MSF-funded DAC or SW

  2. Parents are agreeable to use standard prayers in their Court application and

  3. Must be an uncontested case (i.e. straightforward application where family members and any other caregivers agree with the application).

Who to contact for ADAP?

Caregivers may contact SG Enable at or call 1800-8585-885.

Where to get more information on ADAP?

Parents may refer to 'Mental capacity matters' under 'Legal Matters' of the Enabling Guide for more information on ADAP.


The Caregivers Training Grant (CTG) helps caregivers defray the cost of attending training to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills that would enhance their ability to care for and manage persons with disabilities.

For information on the eligibility criteria and how to apply, please visit the Agency for Integrated Care's (AIC) website.

The Home Caregiving Grant (HCG) has replaced the Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) Grant from October 2019.

The HCG is an assistance scheme that is intended to help families to care for their loved ones with moderate to severe disabilities. Eligible families may receive a monthly grant payment of $250 - $400. The grant can be used to defray the costs of caregiving expenses, such as the cost of caregiver support services in the community, or hiring of a Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW).

For information on the eligibility criteria and how to apply, please visit the Agency for Integrated Care's (AIC) website.

The scheme enables families who employ full-time Migrant Domestic Workers (MDW) to look after their loved ones with disabilities to pay a lower monthly MDW levy of $60 (instead of $300).

For information on the eligibility criteria and how to apply, please visit the Agency for Integrated Care's (AIC) website.