Strategic Themes
In line with the three strategic themes, EMP2030 sets out the overall goals and recommendations for each of the 14 focal areas.
Strategic Theme I: Strengthen Support For Lifelong Learning In A Fast-Changing Economy
The early years are critical for a child’s cognitive, social, and functional development. We must ensure that children with developmental needs have access to early intervention (EI), so they have a strong foundation to pursue their aspirations and achieve their fullest potential in adulthood.
By 2030, we aspire for all children identified with developmental needs to have greater access to EI support, and more opportunities to grow, learn and play alongside their typically-developing peers.
Recommendation 1: Expand EI services to better support children with developmental needs
- Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) to make Developmental Support – Learning Support programme available at more preschools (Target to be accessible to 60% of pre-schoolers by 2025, and 80% eventually)
- Expand the number of Early Intervention Programme for Infants and Children (EIPIC) places through two new EI centres.
- Continue to grow the number of places in Government-funded EI programmes.
Recommendation 2: Increase opportunities for children with developmental needs to grow, learn and play alongside their typically developing peer
- Pilot a new Inclusive Support Programme (InSP), serving children aged 3 to 6 who require medium levels of EI support in preschools. InSP reduces the need for these children to travel to different centres and provides more opportunities for interactions with peers of diverse abilities.
- For children requiring high levels of EI assistance and more specialised support, ECDA will work with EI centres to explore opportunities for purposeful interactions between them and their peers.
All children must be able to access an education that develops their potential and equips them with the knowledge and skills to participate meaningfully in society. This includes students of schooling age with Special Educational Needs (SEN).
By 2030, we aspire for all children with disabilities to have access to an education that develops their potential and equips them with the knowledge and skills to participate meaningfully in society.
Recommendation 3: Ensure access to quality education for students with SENM
- MOE to continue to ensure sufficient school places for students best supported in Special Education (SPED) schools. Adding to the current 22 schools, MOE will partner Social Service Agencies (SSAs) to establish five new SPED schools by 2030
Recommendation 4: Enhance the quality of support to meet the unique learning demands of students with SEN
- MOE to continue enhancing the educational experience provided in SPED schools, and support and professional development to schools in implementing the SPED Teaching and Learning Syllabuses (TLSs)
- All mainstream schools to have access to specialised manpower and support interventions for specific needs
- MOE to continue to build a strong whole-school approach in supporting students with additional needs with or without a disability diagnosis. This includes achieving a minimum SkillsFuture For Educators (SFEd) proficiency level for teachers supporting students with SEN, as well as the ongoing efforts to sharpen skills of Teachers trained in Special Needs (TSNs) and SEN Officers
Recommendation 5: Build inclusiveness within our schools and the community
- MOE to continue to develop disability awareness in students through the Social Studies and Character and Citizenship Education curricula.
- Student development experiences (e.g. Co-Curricular Activities, Values in Action) to provide opportunities for students to interact meaningfully and form positive relationships with peers, including those with disabilities
- Some mainstream schools facilitate opportunities for students and staff to interact meaningfully and regularly with persons with disabilities through Satellite Partnerships and collaborations with SPED Schools.
Lifelong learning is essential in ensuring that we can adapt and stay relevant amidst changes in the economy and society. We must do more to provide access to lifelong learning for all persons with disabilities, so that they can be equipped with the skills needed to maximize their potential in life.
By 2030, we aspire for persons with disabilities to have greater access to opportunities and resources for lifelong learning.
Recommendation 6: Provide responsive and quality lifelong learning opportunities to persons with disabilities
- The Enabling Academy, a disability learning hub managed by SG Enable, will develop an Enabling Skills Framework, a resource on training pathways for learners with disabilities and training providers.
- MSF to pilot the Enabling Services Hubs (ESHs) to provide on-site continual education and learning courses, including areas like daily living skills, social-emotional learning, physical activity, and the arts. ESHs will also conduct outreach to persons with disabilities who live nearby.
Strategic Theme II: Enable Persons with Disabilities to Live Independently
Amidst the accelerating pace of economic and technological changes, there is a risk that persons with disabilities will be left behind without the right support. We must continue to remove barriers and create opportunities for persons with disabilities to attain fulfilling and meaningful employment, through which they can engage with others in the community and achieve their potential.
By 2030, we aspire for persons with disabilities who can work to be equally recognized for their abilities, knowledge, and skills, and are able to achieve gainful employment.
Recommendation 7: Continue to grow the number of inclusive employers and expand the range of alternative and supported employment models, to enable more persons with disabilities to enter the workforce and sustain employment
- MSF to pilot the Enabling Business Hubs (EBHs) to better support persons with disabilities who need customised support (e.g. on-site job support) and a structured environment to work in. EBHs will also drive community inclusion by bringing the community together to participate in various activities and services.
- MOM and MSF to strengthen customised placement programmes by exploring strategies such as
- increasing partnerships between SG Enable and SSAs to reach out to more persons with disabilities looking for jobs, and
- generating more relevant employment opportunities and organising thematic sector-based career fairs which curate specific roles for persons with disabilities
- A taskforce to be formed to
- support employment for persons with disabilities via designing alternative employment models such as microjobs, and
- bolster efforts to increase the number of organizations committed to disability-inclusive employment through the Enabling Mark and Enabling Employment Pledge
[Update] The Taskforce on Promoting Inclusive Employment Practices has since concluded its work and released its recommendations in September 2024. Read the report here. |
Recommendation 8: Review existing employment models for persons with disabilities so that they remain relevant for the future
- MSF to review certain employment models. For example:
- The demand for the typical work done in Sheltered Workshops – which provides employment and/or vocational training to adults with disabilities who do not possess the competencies or skills for open employment – may fall, creating a gap for persons with disabilities who thrive on such routine and structured work.
As persons with disabilities and their caregivers age, and the caregiving load falls on increasingly smaller households, we must transform our housing models, support services, and local communities to enable persons with disabilities to live independently, participate fully in community life, and age actively.
By 2030, we aspire for persons with disabilities with care needs to have access to a continuum of services, which will enable them to participate in community life fully and actively.
Recommendation 9: Develop new community living models and review existing community- and residential-based adult disability services to meet future demands and needs for independent living
- Taskforce to be formed to develop new community living models for persons with disabilities, to
- identify housing and care models required for different profiles across the range of disability types and level of support needs, and
- design alternative housing and care models to meet the gaps and enable persons with disabilities to live and participate in the community.
- MSF to study longer-term demand for adult disability services and explore setting up new services to meet future needs
[Update] The Taskforce on Community Living for Persons with Disabilities has since concluded its work and released its recommendations in September 2024. Read the report here. |
Recommendation 10: Provide a range of support services that enable persons with disabilities to live well in the community
- MSF to pilot Enabling Services Hubs (ESHs) to offer a range of disability services and programs closer to where they and their families live. ESHs will provide:
- early intervention services, linking them to relevant support services and matching at-risk persons with disabilities/caregivers to community befrienders
- on-site services to support community living, such as inclusive community activities in partnership with the local community, and drop-in respite care to support caregivers, in addition to continuing education and learning courses
Assistive Technology (AT) can enable persons with disabilities to live and work more independently. We must continue to encourage AT adoption so that persons with disabilities are equipped to live independently as they age.
By 2030, we aspire for persons with disabilities to have access to AT that enables them to live more independently and connect to the community.
Recommendation 11: Raise awareness of AT and sector capabilities in AT, so that more persons with disabilities benefit
- Tech Able to continue to raise awareness of AT, including introducing a new virtual showroom and developing more resources for persons with disabilities and caregivers to help them select and purchase suitable AT.
- Tech Able to expand its AT assessment and training services to more locations.
- Tech Able to establish a Community of Practice to enhance professional capability building in AT to accelerate its adoption.
Given the critical roles that caregivers play, it is important that we recognize their contributions and provide them with sufficient support, particularly as caregivers and their loved ones age.
By 2030, we aspire to give caregivers of persons with disabilities greater access to caregiving support, including respite services and future care planning.
Recommendation 12: Enhance respite options and support for caregivers, to help them care for loved ones with disabilities in the community
- Enabling Services Hubs pilot to introduce a new drop-in respite care option to support persons with disabilities, particularly adult persons with disabilities with care needs who are not currently enrolled in any disability services.
- MOH to enhance the Home Caregiving Grant (HCG) to recognize caregivers’ contributions and further reduce the financial strain of caregiving, with more targeted support provided to lower income families.
- The SG Together Alliance for Action (AfA) for Caregivers of Persons with Disabilities to focus on co-developing a self-sustaining community support model for caregivers, through two projects – Project 3i and Community Circles.
Recommendation 13: Support caregivers in planning for the future and prioritizing the needs and choices of their family member with disabilities
- SG Enable to work with SSA partners to develop a Future Care Planning Playbook, to provide caregivers with resources and guided support to develop a future care plan while prioritizing the needs and choices of their family member with disabilities.
Strategic Theme III: Create Inclusive Physical and Social Environments That Are Inclusive to Persons With Disabilities
Information and communications channels and materials must be designed with the needs of all persons with disabilities in mind, to enable them to participate fully in every aspect of society. This is particularly important for digital services, as the pace of digitalization continues to pick up.
By 2030, persons with disabilities will have greater access to information and communications, with reasonable accommodations provided.
Recommendation 14: Design digital services with the needs of persons with disabilities in mind
- Government agencies are required to meet the Digital Service Standards for designing Government websites, which follow international web accessibility standards.
- GovTech to continue to build capabilities to help Government agencies design accessible digital services through a new Accessibility Enabling Team, that will provide Government agencies with consultancy services and training resources, and propagate the use of inclusive design and accessibility testing in the product development process.
- SG Enable to build an e-accessibility ecosystem to engage stakeholders in key sectors like healthcare and transport, across public agencies and the private sector (e.g. business owners and software developers) to raise awareness and adoption of e-accessibility.
Recommendation 15: Enhance access by persons with disabilities to information and communications across non-digital platforms
- MCI and MediaCorp to work towards extending subtitling/captioning to more programmes, and study how accessibility of free-to-air programmes can be improved further for the deaf and visually impaired communities.
- Under the Libraries and Archives Blueprint 2025, the National Library Board will launch a suite of services for persons with disabilities, to be debuted at the Punggol Regional Library.
Achieving an inclusive transport system for all persons with disabilities requires accessible infrastructure, such as public buses and trains, and the ability to tap on dedicated transport services for those who require them. Beyond physical infrastructure, an inclusive transport system also requires a gracious and caring commuting culture.
By 2030, we aspire for persons with disabilities to have more accessible and affordable public transport, including public buses, trains, and point-to-point transport as needed. We hope that commuters and public transport workers show more care to persons with disabilities and are willing and do know how to help them.
Recommendation 16: Enhance transport infrastructure to enable persons with disabilities to navigate independently during their journey
- LTA to upgrade more pedestrian crossings with 24/7 on-demand audible traffic signals so that persons with visual impairment can locate pedestrian crossings and use them safely.
- OneMap, the authoritative national map of Singapore developed by the Singapore Land Authority, to be updated to include barrier-free point-to-point navigation.
Recommendation 17: Improve affordability of transport for persons with disabilities
- Increased transport subsidies for persons with disabilities who take dedicated transport to attend SPED schools and community-based programs under the Voluntary Welfare Organization Transport Subsidy Scheme, renamed as the Enabling Transport Subsidy.
Recommendation 18: Better address public awareness and mindset barriers to foster a gracious and caring commuting culture
- The Public Transport Council and LTA to facilitate more co-creation with commuters to build an inclusive transport system together e.g. more commuters to be recruited and trained as Caring Commuter Champions to better assist commuters with disabilities on public transport.
Buildings and public spaces play an important role in enabling persons with disabilities to carry out their daily activities and integrate fully into society. Singapore is committed to providing the necessary infrastructure to support a more inclusive society, by ensuring that public spaces meet basic accessibility standards where possible.
By 2030, we aspire to improve access to public spaces so persons with disabilities can enjoy more inclusive living conditions.
Recommendation 19: Accelerate accessibility upgrading and raise accessibility standards
- The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to implement revised requirements, such as requiring existing commercial and institutional buildings with Gross Floor Area of more than 500 sqm to put in place basic accessibility features.
- BCA’s Accessibility Fund to provide funding support to private building owners who undertake voluntary upgrading of their buildings to improve accessibility.
- BCA, in partnership with stakeholders from the public, people, and private sectors, to continue to study how accessibility requirements can be enhanced as part of its periodic reviews of the Code on Accessibility in the Built Environment.
As persons with disabilities age, and as age-acquired disabilities increase, it is even more crucial to ensure access to quality healthcare. This involves both promoting healthy lifestyles and ensuring mainstream health services are accessible for persons with disabilities, with sufficient specialist services to serve those with more complex needs.
By 2030, we aspire towards building a quality healthcare system that detects and manages health and developmental issues early, so as to enable persons with disabilities to live healthier lives.
Recommendation 20: Ensure that health services are accessible for persons with disabilities
- MOH to collaborate with the College of Family Physicians Singapore to provide a Family Practice Skills Course to further strengthen our doctors’ skills in caring for persons with cognitive and/or communication challenges.
- For those who require a higher level of care and support, MOH to explore the piloting of a task force within the community to support the healthcare needs of persons with intellectual disabilities with complex needs and their caregivers. This would help provide coordinated health and social services in the community.
- For persons with intellectual disabilities with intense health needs, MOH to explore the initiation of an Adult Neurodevelopmental Service outreach team to provide healthcare within the community and skills training to staff of residential homes. The team would also conduct training to build capability among community-based care providers.
- Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to issue guidelines to ensure that private insurers adopt sound and objective practices towards persons with disabilities who apply for insurance.
- MOH and MSF to jointly commission a study to identify healthcare services gaps for persons with disabilities and explore interventions to address gaps.
Participation in sports and physical activities supports physical and mental well-being, as well as develops confidence, independence, and social skills by emphasizing the strengths and abilities of persons with disabilities and encouraging interaction between persons with disabilities and community members around them. By facilitating inclusive participation, more persons with disabilities can make sports and physical activities a part of their everyday lives.
By 2030, persons with disabilities will have greater access to participate in sports.
Recommendation 21: Increase opportunities for sports participation
- SportSG to tap on the efforts of partners in the para sports sector to create more sporting opportunities.
- Under SportSG, the Para Sports Academy will
- train more new coaches, upskill existing coaches, and establish a coaches’ Community of Practice.
- deepen partnerships with entities such as National Disability Sports Associations and MOE’s SPED schools.
- increase volunteering opportunities for those who are keen on supporting para sports.
- Expand the number of ActiveSG venues that offer Para Sport Academy programs, making them more accessible.
- SportSG appointed an Advisory Panel for the Para Sports Academy comprising representatives from the disability sport ecosystem to lend knowledge and ground-sensing on the local para sports capabilities and capacities. The panel will advise on ways to enhance the pathways and development ecosystem for para sports.
- MCCY and SportSG to refresh the Disability Sports Masterplan (DSMP) to further boost the sports participation rate of persons with disabilities.
Developing an inclusive arts and heritage landscape in Singapore involves minimizing and removing barriers that reduce the ability of or prevent persons with disabilities from enjoying the arts and heritage as attendees or participants. It also involves enabling persons with disabilities to pursue their interests in the creative arts.
By 2030, we aspire to give persons with disabilities more regular opportunities to participate in arts and heritage activities – whether as consumers, practitioners, or volunteers.
Recommendation 22: Enhance accessibility to enable persons with disabilities to attend more arts and heritage activities
- NAC and NHB to continue facilitating the creation of more inclusive arts and heritage-related offerings, which include
- providing capability development opportunities for the arts community, in areas such as audio description, captioning, and signing.
- enhancing the skills of museum staff and volunteers to enable them to develop accessible programs.
- NHB to continue to work with partners like SG Enable to ensure accessibility of programs and digital offerings by
- developing resources to enhance the visitor experience of persons with disabilities at NHB’s museums and heritage institutions.
- designing and piloting school programs for students with specialized learning needs.
- sharing best practices with the Museum Roundtable (a collective of over 60 local public and private museums).
Recommendation 23: Increase opportunities for persons with disabilities in the arts and heritage sector.
- NAC to continue to encourage the arts community to explore more opportunities for capacity building in engaging and collaborating with persons with disabilities through strategic partnerships.
- NHB to continue to explore and create opportunities for inclusive hiring or volunteerism of persons with disabilities in museum settings and encourage the Museum Roundtable to adopt similar policies and practices.
Building inclusive communities starts with disability awareness – having a better understanding of disabilities as well as the physical and attitudinal barriers that persons with disabilities face, and challenging preconceived notions about disabilities.
By 2030, we aspire for Singapore to embody what it means to be a caring and inclusive community, with positive attitudes, mindsets, and behaviors towards persons with disabilities.
Recommendation 24: Improve mutual understanding, by educating the general public on disability awareness and how to interact with persons with disabilities, and equipping persons with disabilities with the skills to self-advocate and co-create change in general perceptions and attitudes towards persons with disabilities.
- SG Enable to work towards amplifying ongoing efforts to raise disability awareness and inculcate positive mindsets, attitudes, and behaviors towards persons with disabilities through the i'mable public education initiative.