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National Anti-Violence and Sexual Harassment Helpline (NAVH)

Topic(s): Protection from Domestic Violence

Please call the police at 999 immediately if life and safety are in imminent danger.

Reporting suspected child abuse is the first step to prevent or stop the abuse.

Find out more about child abuse and the Child Protection System in Singapore

National Anti-Violence and Sexual Harassment Helpline (NAVH)

Operating hours Monday - Sunday, 24 hours

How to Report

The NAVH is a dedicated 24-hour helpline for reporting violence or abuse, including sexual violence and sexual harassment, in a familial or non-familial setting. The NAVH is a one-stop helpline for victims of violence/abuse or neglect, members of the public or professionals to seek help or make a report.

If you or a child you know experiences violence/abuse or neglect, call the NAVH at 1800-777-0000 or make an online report via the NAVH Reporting Form. Reports made through the helpline or the NAVH Reporting Form will be treated similarly.

If there is imminent danger to one’s life or safety, you should call the Police at 999 or SMS 71999.

Details to Report

When reporting over the phone, please provide as much information as possible, to the best of your knowledge, to enable effective follow-up by NAVH. Details that would be helpful include

  • Description of injuries, abuse, neglect
  • Location of abuse
  • When and how did you find out about the abuse
  • Child(ren)’s name, age, address
  • Name of the alleged person causing harm, age and relationship to the child(ren)
  • Your name and contact details

If you are making an online report, please follow the instructions on the form to provide as much information as possible.

For Professionals

MSF has trained professionals in the community (e.g. teachers, social service agency staff) to use the Sector Specific Screening Guide (SSSG) and Child Abuse Reporting Guide (CARG). The SSSG and CARG guide professionals on managing reports of suspected child abuse, and the follow-up thereafter to ensure the safety and well-being of the children.

View more information on these guides and how to be trained