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MSF Family of Websites

Baby Bonus Website


Baby Bonus Online

Baby Bonus Online is a portal for parents to join the Baby Bonus Scheme and open a Child Development Account (CDA) with greater convenience, and access other parenting resources.

ECDA website


Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA)

ECDA oversees the development of children below the age of 7 in kindergartens and child care centres, by regulating and developing the early childhood sector.


Enabling Guide

Enabling Guide is a first-stop resource portal for persons with disabilities and their caregivers. The portal provides information on disability schemes and services, and guides users in making more informed decisions about different service options across the life stages.

Family Assist website


Family Assist

Family Assist is a portal to provide support for couples should they face challenges in their marriage and need help resolving their differences, particularly those with young children. Whether you are open to saving your marriage or decide to proceed with divorce, you can find relevant and reliable information, services and support to help you to make informed decisions in the best interest of your child.

Families for Life website


Families for Life (FFL)

The FFL Movement rallies like-minded individuals, families and organisations to strengthen family bonds. The website serves as a guide to enriching family life with activities for the whole family to enjoy, ideas to celebrate special occasions, family-centric events to attend as well as resourceful articles on family matters.

Government-Paid Leave Portal


Government-Paid Leave (GPL)

The GPL Portal is a one-stop transactional portal for GPL Schemes. It allows the online submission of applications for various GPL Schemes and aims to provide a user-friendly, seamless and consistent application experience where claims will be processed much quicker.

kidstart website


KidSTART Singapore

KidSTART Singapore Limited is a non-profit organisation that specialises in supporting families in early childhood development.
KidSTART's specialist team partners the government and the community to empower families with less resources in building strong foundations for their children under 6 years old, to give them a good start in life.

NCPG website


National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG)

NCPG helps individuals and families deal with problem gambling by providing counselling services, training sessions and other programmes. Take a Gambling Risk Assessment Test online or find out more about helpline and help services, as well as Casino Exclusion to exclude individuals from entering casinos.

NCSS website


National Council of Social Service (NCSS)

NCSS leads and coordinates the social service sector in Singapore. Working with Social Service Agencies, NCSS identifies service gaps, pioneers new programmes and sets best practice guidelines. Search for social services online or tap into resources for volunteers.

OMJ website


Our Marriage Journey

Our Marriage Journey's website assists couples that are getting married in Singapore. Learn more about the marriage and solemnisation process, apply for a Notice of Marriage online, search for marriage records and more.

raiSE website


raiSE Singapore

raiSE is an ecosystem builder set up to raise awareness and support for Social Enterprises in Singapore. raiSE provides credibility to them through BusinessForGood branding and supports them with venture building initiatives.

SG Enable website


SG Enable

As the focal agency for disability in Singapore, SG Enable is the First Stop for persons with disabilities and their caregivers, and for partners seeking to build an inclusive society and enabling lives.

SDN website


Special Needs Trust Company (SNTC)

SNTC's services aim to empower caregivers to put in place proper plans and arrangements that will enhance the financial well-being of their loved ones with special needs.