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Assessing Applicants' ComCare Eligibility and Steps to Rectify Wrongful ComCare Payments

Type: Parliamentary Questions

Topic(s): Financial Assistance & Social Support

Mr Yip Hon Weng asked the Minister for Social and Family Development with regard to the recent case of wrongfully obtained ComCare payments due to improper declaration of income and assets (a) how does the Ministry comprehensively assess an applicant's financial situation before disbursing funds; (b) whether the Ministry conducts regular follow-up checks on the financial situation of recipients applying for renewal; (c) besides self-declaration, what other verification methods are being employed; and (d) over the past five years, how many similar
cases have occurred and have all erroneous disbursements been recovered.


1          ComCare financial assistance is paid out from the ComCare Fund, which is funded from public monies. As such, it is important that the assistance is only given to those who qualify. To assess an applicant’s financial situation, MSF will, with the applicant’s consent, obtain relevant information backend from Government agencies, such as the applicant’s employment status, income level, and assets owned. For financial information that is not available from other agencies, the applicant is required to furnish the supporting documents and make self-declarations, such as the amount of savings an applicant has in all bank accounts in Singapore and overseas.

2          For clients seeking to renew ComCare assistance, a fresh application must be made, and an up-to-date declaration is required. ComCare clients are also required to update the Social Service Office should their financial situation change while they are receiving ComCare, for example, if they receive proceeds from the sale of an asset. In considering an applicant’s savings to determine eligibility for ComCare, MSF takes into account factors such as contingency savings for emergency expenses and household size. There is no hard threshold, and Social Service Offices will exercise flexibility based on the applicants’ circumstances and needs. If the savings are substantial, even if it comprised donations from the public, we would expect the applicant to tap on his savings first. In fact, donors would probably not have expected the recipient to accumulate significant savings while continuing to seek further donations.

3          Over the last five years, there were a total of 25 cases where clients wrongfully received ComCare due to inaccurate declarations on their bank account savings. Recovery action has been taken in appropriate cases. If it is assessed that the client’s actions are fraudulent, MSF will report the case to the Police for investigation. Regardless of whether the case is reported to the Police, we will take steps to recover any erroneous disbursements. 

4          MSF takes a serious view on false declarations as ComCare schemes are meant to support those who are in need and have no other sources of support. Clients who hold significant savings do not meet the ComCare eligibility criteria and it would not be fair to use public funds to support those who are able to meet basic living expenses on their own.