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The Ministry Of Social And Family Development Invites Civil Society Organisations To Nominate Candidates For The Position Of Government Representative For Women's Rights On ASEAN Commission

Type: Press Releases, Announcements

Topic(s): Women Empowerment

 1           The Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) invites civil society organisations (CSOs) to nominate suitable candidates for appointment as the Singapore Government’s Representative for Women’s Rights on the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC). The term of office will be from October 2023 to October 2026.

2          The Singapore Governments current Representative for Women’s Rights Mrs Laura Hwang’s term of office will end on 6 October 2023. Mrs Hwang has served with distinction for three terms and contributed significantly to the growth of the ACWC. Her views are well respected, and her insights and contributions to the work of the ACWC over the years have been valued by ACWC members.

3          Candidates for the appointment as Singapore’s Government Representative for Women's Rights should meet the following selection criteria:

a. A Singapore Citizen with good standing among women leaders and women’s groups in Singapore;

b. Have experience in dealing with women-related issues, be able to take part in international discussions and debates to objectively defend Singapore’s position and interests on such issues;

c. Understand the complex history of our region, the diversity of people, cultures and political systems in ASEAN and the realities that this diversity imposes on ASEAN in all fields; and

d. nominated by an organisation whose work is relevant to the ACWC.

4          As the ACWC is an inter-governmental body of ASEAN, its members are appointed by and represent the respective governments of ASEAN Member States. The appointed government representative will not be representing the nominating CSOs on ACWC.

5          Nomination forms are available for download from the MSF website and should be submitted via email, post or hand-delivered to MSF by Monday, 26 June 2023, 12pm.