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Multi-agency effort to encourage Legacy Planning drives significant increase in Lasting Power of Attorney and Advance Care Planning registrations

Type: Announcements,

Topic(s): Children & Families,

More Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) and Advance Care Plans (ACPs) have been made since the launch of an inter-agency campaign to encourage legacy planning in July last year. In the last fifteen months, LPAs registered among Singapore citizens aged 50 and above increased from 177,000 to 233,000. Monthly LPA registrations have more than doubled since digitalisation and launch of the campaign.  With the increase, registrations for LPAs are on track to exceed the target of 240,000 for Singaporeans aged 50 and above by end of 2025[1]. Over 50,000 ACPs have been completed to-date, with more than 13,000 additional ACPs made since the launch of the campaign.


2            The campaign, which was organised by the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC), Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) and Public Service Division (PSD) featured a series of educational videos, roadshows, and mobile clinics held at 12 locations across the island.


3            At an appreciation event held on 25 October 2024 for volunteers and partners for the campaign, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Social and Family Development Mr Eric Chua said, “Since the launch of this multi-agency effort, we have seen an encouraging increase in the number of Lasting Powers of Attorney and Advance Care Plans made. The success is only possible because of the contributions of over 200 partners and volunteers. We will continue to do more to promote the importance of legacy planning and to normalise such conversations among families.”


Expanding outreach to encourage Singaporeans to embark on Legacy Planning through partnerships


4            Over 40 organisations[2], including Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL), healthcare providers and partners from the community, as well as financial management companies had come on board for the first year of the campaign. In addition, 133 student volunteers from the National University of Singapore, Singapore Management University, Singapore University of Social Sciences and Temasek Polytechnic have contributed over 1,000 hours at mobile clinics and roadshows, while 10 community providers and Regional Health Systems have set up booths to educate members of public on the importance of ACP and assisted them with facilitation appointments.


5            Moving forward, there will be greater efforts to encourage Singaporeans to embark on legacy planning, which includes LPA, ACP, CPF nominations and wills. We will support more partners to organise ground-up initiatives to raise awareness and assist Singaporeans in legacy planning. This includes “Train the Trainer” sessions where professionals in the finance industry will be trained to share legacy-planning tools with the general public. Organisations which are interested in organising legacy-planning sessions may get in touch at


6            To enhance the experience for citizens making LPAs, MSF has worked with Open Government Products to improve the Certificate Issuer (CI) search and booking feature. Citizens can easily check the availability of CIs and fees charged online, and book an appointment immediately. For ACP, Singaporeans can now fill in the online ACP form on My Legacy@LifeSG, before approaching an ACP facilitator to complete the registration.


7            Visit the MyLegacy@LifeSG website at to learn more about legacy planning and take action to give your loved ones the gift of certainty today.



- END -


For media queries, please contact:

Chan Yee Chun

Manager, Communications & Engagement Division

Ministry of Social and Family Development


For queries on ACP, please contact:



About Legacy Planning


In July 2023, a multi-agency campaign was launched to raise awareness and adoption of LPA and ACP. The multi-year effort included the launch of a television commercial, a series of anchor roadshows and mobile clinics across various locations, and collaboration with community partners, volunteers and corporations.


Beyond LPA and ACP, efforts in the coming year will be broadened to highlight the importance of legacy planning in ensuring that citizens’ key decisions and preferences are communicated to their loved ones if they lose mental capacity or pass away. Citizens are encouraged to start legacy planning as soon as possible by making their LPA, ACP and CPF Nominations and writing their wills. These are complementary tools that work together to support an individual’s preferences, empower them, and provide assurance to them and their loved ones on key decisions to be made on their behalf.  The efforts will be aimed at achieving the following objectives:


  • Promoting legacy planning as a societal norm: Normalise legacy planning as a common life activity where every citizen makes and reviews their plans when they are young, healthy and capable. The unexpected can happen to anyone at any time, and we encourage everyone to make their wishes known while they still can.


  • Strengthening family resilience: Legacy planning is not simply a means to provide certainty; families are encouraged to have open discussions about future care and financial preferences for better support and understanding of what that individual wants.



About My Legacy@LifeSG


My Legacy@LifeSG is an integrated platform where citizens can access information and services about legacy planning such as LPA, ACP, CPF Nomination and will making. It is also the main government channel which supports bereaved kin with information and services about post-death matters such as downloading of the digital death certificate, funeral arrangements and estate settlement. Visit for more information.


Annex A

Translation of Key Terms


Mandarin Malay Tamil
Office of the Public Guardian 公共监护人办公室
Pejabat Penjaga Awam
பபொது கொப்பொளர் அலுவலகம்
Lasting Power of Attorney 持久授权书 Surat Kuasa Berkekalan
கொல அதிகொரப் பத்திரம்
Advance Care Planning 预先护理计划 Perancangan Penjagaan Awal வருங்கால நலப்பாதுகாப்புத் திட்டம்
Agency of Integrated Care 护联中心
Agensi Penjagaan Bersepadu
ஒருங்கிணைந்த பரொமரிப்பிற் ொன அணமப்ப
Mental Capacity 心智能力 Keupayaan mental மனநல ஆற்றல்
Mental Capacity Act 心智能力法令 Akta Keupayaan Mental மனநல ஆற்றல் சட்டம்
Donee 被授权人 Penerima kuasa டோனீ
Certificate Issuer (CI) 证书签发人 Pengeluar Sijil (CI)
சான்றிதழ் பிறப்பிப்பவர்
Deputy 代理人
அதிகாரம் பெற்ற பிரதிநிதி
Personal Welfare 个人福利
Kebajikan peribadi
தனிப்பட்ட நலன்
Property and Affairs 财产和事务 Harta dan Hal Ehwal பசொத்து மற்றும் விவ ொரங் ள்
OPGO 公共监护人办公室线上服务
OPGO (Pejabat Penjaga Awam Dalam Talian) பொது காப்பாளர் இணைய அலுவலகம் (OPGO)
Electronic Copy [of LPA] 电子版持久授权书 Salinan elektronik Surat Kuasa Berkekalan (LPA) மின்னியல் பிரதி [நீை்டகொல அதிகொரப் பத்திரத்துணடயது]
CPF Nomination
Penamaan CPF
மசேநி வாரிசுதாரர் நியமனம்




Annex B


Number of Lasting Powers of Attorney Registered


Monthly LPA registrations have more than doubled since digitalisation  and launch of the campaign.

Number of LPAs registered Before launch of Pre-planning Campaign (end June 2023)End-Sep 2024
Singapore Citizens 217,000 288,000
Singapore Citizens aged 50 and above 177,000 233,000
Average Monthly LPA Registrations for Singapore Citizens aged 50 and aboveBefore introduction of LPA applications online and launch of campaign (Jul-Sep 2022)After introduction of LPA applications online and launch of campaign (Jul-Sep 2024)




[1] This target was set as part of the A Singapore Made for Families 2025 plan.

[2] Partners include Great Eastern, MUIS and PEGUAM.