Mr Melvin Yong Yik Chye asked the Minister for Social and Family Development (a) over the past five years, what is the annual number of enforcement actions taken against the abuse of the Car Park Label Scheme which is provided for persons with physical disabilities or their caregivers with access to designated disabled parking spaces; and (b) whether the Ministry intends to step up public education to deter such abuses.
Only vehicles with valid labels under the Car Park Label Scheme (CPLS) are allowed to park in accessible parking lots.
2 The number of summonses issued for the misuse of accessible lots in public car parks was 1,628 in 2018, 1,544 in 2019, 2,108 in 2020, 2,418 in 2021 and 1,821 in 2022.
3 We seek other drivers’ support not to misuse accessible lots, so those with valid car park labels are able to use them. We will continue our public information efforts to deter misuse. Information on who is eligible to park in accessible parking lots can be found on signages near accessible lots, and on SG Enable's Enabling Guide website. In addition, a hotline number to report illegal parking is also provided on the CPLS labels and on the Enabling Guide website.