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Study On Epilepsy In Singapore, Particularly In Relation To Ensuring That People With Epilepsy Are Given A Fair Chance At Employment

Type: Parliamentary Questions

Topic(s): Financial Assistance & Social Support

Mr Christopher de Souza asked the Minister for Social and Family Development whether there have been studies done regarding epilepsy in Singapore, particularly in relation to ensuring that people with epilepsy are given a fair chance at employment.


We are aware of a 2018 study1 to assess public awareness, attitudes and understanding towards epilepsy among Singapore residents. The study surveyed 246 respondents at a community-based health awareness event. With regard to employment, the study found that “only 43.1% would employ a person with epilepsy while 68.3% would employ if seizures do not interfere with the job”.

All jobseekers, including persons with epilepsy, can seek support from Workforce Singapore and NTUC’s Employment and Employability Institute. They offer a broad-based suite of employment facilitation programmes and services. Employers also have to abide by the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP) and treat all jobseekers and employees, including those with epilepsy, fairly and based on merit.

1 Tushar D. Gosavi et al., "Revisiting the public awareness, attitudes, and understanding towards epilepsy among Singapore residents," Epilepsy & Behaviour 89, (December 2018) 143-147. Elsevier Inc.