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Lowering enrolment cost for Day Activity Centres providing care and skills training to adults with disabilities

Type: Parliamentary Questions

Topic(s): Disability Services

Mr Christopher de Souza To ask the Minister for Social and Family Development whether the enrolment cost can be reduced for Day Activity Centres that provide care and skills training to adults with disabilities.


Day Activity Centres (DACs) are community-based facilities that provide care and skills training for adult persons with disabilities (PwDs). These centres aim to equip PwDs with community and daily living skills and meaningfully occupy clients with social and recreational activities.

2 The Government provides means-tested subsidies of up to 80% of norm cost for Singapore Citizens from lower-income households to alleviate the costs of enrolment. Where possible, DACs may provide further financial support to help families who are unable to afford the enrolment cost.

3 MSF works with DAC service providers to ensure the affordability of services, and reviews the cost of DAC enrolment from time to time. We are in the midst of our latest review, which we expect to complete within the year.