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Enrolment Into Day Activity Centres

Type: Parliamentary Questions

Topic(s): Disability Services

Miss Cheryl Chan Wei Ling asked the Minister for Social and Family Development with regard to enrolment into Day Activity Centres (DAC) (a) whether DACs can cope with the demand in the next five years; and (b) if not, whether there are plans to (i) reduce the average waiting time for enrolment and (ii) increase the staff support in this sector.


1 As of April 2022, there were 31 MSF-funded Day Activity Centres (DACs) with a total capacity of over 1,700 places, and an overall utilisation rate of about 78%.

2 There are currently eight DACs with no vacancies. When individuals apply to DACs with no vacancies, SG Enable will refer the caregivers to other DACs with spare capacity. SG Enable also explores alternative support services with the caregivers, such as home-based services for the individual, and respite care services for the caregiver.

3 In October 2021, MSF increased funding for DACs by 20%, or $3 million per year. The increased funding will allow the DACs to hire more care staff to increase their quality of care and service standards, especially for clients with higher support needs. We are also studying the longer-term demand for DACs, and will look into setting up new DACs in areas where demand is expected to exceed the current supply.

4 MSF will continually monitor and review our funding support and programmes to meet the needs of persons with disabilities and their caregivers.