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Clarifications on the utilisation of current respite care services

Type: Parliamentary Questions

Topic(s): Disability Services

19 March 2018


Mr Desmond Choo
MP for Tampines GRC

To ask the Minister for Social and Family Development (a) what is the median and range of respite care fees; (b) what is the utilisation of current respite care services; and (c) whether the capacity of respite care services is sufficient for our projected five years' demand.


1 Respite care services are currently provided by seven Adult Disability Homes and three Children Disability Homes. These services are offered to families of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) who, for various reasons, may need short-term assistance in providing care for their loved ones.

2 In the fourth quarter of 2017, the median daily respite care service fee was $74.40. Respite care fees range up to $107, but 62% (23 families) paid less than $10 per day after Government subsidies. Another 14% (5 needy families) had their fees waived by the Voluntary Welfare Organisations.

3 The capacity for respite care has been assessed to be sufficient to meet the projected demand over the next 5 years. As at Dec 2017, 80 respite care service spaces were available across the 10 homes, and the average utilisation rate was less than 10% in the fourth quarter of 2017.